PC World Komputer 2010 April
pluginy Firefox
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267 lines
// Formats a style rule property
function webdeveloper_formatStyleRuleProperty(styleRuleProperty)
// Switch on the style rule property
case "margin-bottom-value":
return "margin-bottom";
case "margin-left-value":
return "margin-left";
case "margin-right-value":
return "margin-right";
case "margin-top-value":
return "margin-top";
case "padding-bottom-value":
return "padding-bottom";
case "padding-left-value":
return "padding-left";
case "padding-right-value":
return "padding-right";
case "padding-top-value":
return "padding-top";
case "-x-background-x-position":
return "background-x-position";
case "-x-background-y-position":
return "background-y-position";
return styleRuleProperty;
// Formats a style rule value
function webdeveloper_formatStyleRuleValue(styleRuleValue)
// If the style rule value is set
var rgbRegularExpression = new RegExp("rgb\\((\\d{1,3}),\\s(\\d{1,3}),\\s(\\d{1,3})\\)", "gi");
var styleRuleValueColor = rgbRegularExpression.exec(styleRuleValue);
// If the style rule value is a color
var blue = parseInt(styleRuleValueColor[3]).toString(16);
var green = parseInt(styleRuleValueColor[2]).toString(16);
var red = parseInt(styleRuleValueColor[1]).toString(16);
// If the blue color is only 1 character long
if(blue.length == 1)
blue = "0" + blue;
// If the green color is only 1 character long
if(green.length == 1)
green = "0" + green;
// If the red color is only 1 character long
if(red.length == 1)
red = "0" + red;
return "#" + red + green + blue;
return styleRuleValue;
// Returns the list of the style sheets for the specified document
function webdeveloper_getStyleSheetsForDocument(contentDocument, includeInline, includeAlternate)
var styleSheets = new Array();
// If the content document is set
var documentStyleSheets = contentDocument.styleSheets;
var documentStyleSheetsLength = documentStyleSheets.length;
var documentURL = contentDocument.documentURI;
var styleSheet = null;
// Loop through the style sheets
for(var i = 0; i < documentStyleSheetsLength; i++)
styleSheet = documentStyleSheets[i];
// If this is a valid style sheet and including alternate style sheets or this is not alternate
if(webdeveloper_isValidStyleSheet(styleSheet) && (includeAlternate || !webdeveloper_isAlternateStyleSheet(styleSheet)))
// If including inline style sheets or this is not inline
if(includeInline || (styleSheet.href && styleSheet.href != documentURL))
styleSheets = styleSheets.concat(webdeveloper_getStyleSheetsImportedFromStyleSheet(styleSheet));
return styleSheets;
// Returns the list of style sheets imported from the specified style sheet
function webdeveloper_getStyleSheetsImportedFromStyleSheet(styleSheet)
var styleSheets = new Array();
// If the style sheet is set
var cssRule = null;
var cssRules = styleSheet.cssRules;
var cssRulesLength = cssRules.length;
var importedStyleSheet = null;
var importRule = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMCSSRule.IMPORT_RULE;
// Loop through the the style sheet rules
for(var i = 0; i < cssRulesLength; i++)
cssRule = cssRules[i];
// If this is an import rule
if(cssRule.type == importRule)
importedStyleSheet = cssRule.styleSheet;
// If this style sheet is valid
styleSheets = styleSheets.concat(webdeveloper_getStyleSheetsImportedFromStyleSheet(importedStyleSheet));
return styleSheets;
// If there is a style sheet for this media type
function webdeveloper_hasStyleSheetForMedia(styleSheetList, media)
// If the style sheet list and media are set
if(styleSheetList && media)
var styleSheet = null;
var styleSheetLength = styleSheetList.length;
// Loop through the style sheets
for(var i = 0; i < styleSheetLength; i++)
styleSheet = styleSheetList[i];
// If this style sheet is valid and is for this media type
if(webdeveloper_isValidStyleSheet(styleSheet) && webdeveloper_isMediaStyleSheet(styleSheet, media))
return true;
return false;
// Is this style sheet an alternate style sheet
function webdeveloper_isAlternateStyleSheet(styleSheet)
// If the style sheet is set
var ownerNode = styleSheet.ownerNode;
// If the owner node is set
// If the owner node is a processing instruction
if(ownerNode.nodeType == Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNode.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE)
// If the processing instruction data contains alternate="yes"
if(ownerNode.data.indexOf('alternate="yes"') != -1)
return true;
else if(ownerNode.hasAttribute("rel") && ownerNode.getAttribute("rel").toLowerCase() == "alternate stylesheet")
return true;
return false;
// Is this style sheet for this media type
function webdeveloper_isMediaStyleSheet(styleSheet, matchMediaType)
// If the style sheet and match media type are set
if(styleSheet && matchMediaType)
var media = styleSheet.media;
var mediaLength = media.length;
var mediaType = null;
// If there is no media and the match media type is screen
if(mediaLength == 0 && matchMediaType == "screen")
return true;
// Loop through the media
for(var i = 0; i < mediaLength; i++)
mediaType = media.item(i).toLowerCase();
// If the media type is all or matches the match media type
if(mediaType == "all" || mediaType == matchMediaType)
return true;
return false;
// Is this style sheet a valid style sheet
function webdeveloper_isValidStyleSheet(styleSheet)
// If the style sheet is set
var styleSheetHref = styleSheet.href;
// If the style sheet href is set and this is not an internal style sheet or the style sheet href is not set and this does not have a Web Developer id
if((styleSheetHref && styleSheetHref.indexOf("about:PreferenceStyleSheet") != 0 && styleSheetHref.indexOf("chrome://") != 0 && styleSheetHref.indexOf("data:text/css") != 0 && styleSheetHref.indexOf("jar:file://") != 0 && styleSheetHref.indexOf("resource://") != 0) || (!styleSheetHref && styleSheet.ownerNode && (!styleSheet.ownerNode.hasAttribute("id") || styleSheet.ownerNode.getAttribute("id").indexOf("webdeveloper-") != 0)))
return true;
return false;
// Is this style rule is a valid style rule
function webdeveloper_isValidStyleRule(styleRuleList, styleRule)
// If the style rule is set
// If the style rule is an invalid style rule
if(styleRule.indexOf("-moz-") == 0 || ((styleRule == "margin-left-ltr-source" || styleRule == "margin-left-rtl-source" || styleRule == "margin-right-ltr-source" || styleRule == "margin-right-rtl-source" || styleRule == "padding-left-ltr-source" || styleRule == "padding-left-rtl-source" || styleRule == "padding-right-ltr-source" || styleRule == "padding-right-rtl-source") && styleRuleList.getPropertyValue(styleRule) == "physical"))
return false;
return true;
return false;